Andreas A. Müller Adjunct Professor for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
The University Council has appointed four adjunct professors, among them the head of the Facial & Cranial Anomalies Research Group Andreas A. Müller. His research at the DBE revolves around the simplification of orofacial cleft surgery through AI-powered 3D modelling and printing.
Müller’s ›Burden-Reduced Cleft lip and palate Care and Healing‹-project is funded by the Botnar Research Centre for Child Health. The group cooperates with Dr. Barbara Solenthaler from ETH Zurich; Prof. Srinivas Gosla Reddy from GSR Institute of Craniofacial Surgery, Hyderabad, India; Prof. Andrzej Brudnicki from the Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw and Prof. Markus Gross from Disney Research, Zürich. Further Müller’s group is funded by the SNSF to develop a learning-based 3D infant face and head model for medical applications.