Once their work is finished, Master- and PhD-students are asked to hand in extra factsteets for the annual report.
In this case please use the specific template here and observe the following rules:
- To see how the result must look like, Please here check the latest Annual Report.
- Please return a word-file – not a pdf – in case we need to make corrections.
- The lead must be: [Master/PhD] Thesis by [Name Surname] [University] at [Group]. Example: Master Thesis by Manuel Model (Department of Fantasy Science, Universität Basel) at Favourite-Lab.
- Funding: Logo of funding organisation, e.g. University of Basel or SNSF or your foundation
- Supervision: 3 lines per person: Name of supervisor (e.g. Susan Superwoman, next block Sean Superman), the supervisors e-mail, his/her group.
The general factsheet templatecan be downloaded here.