MIRACLE II is the second stage of the the MIRACLE project funded by Werner Siemens Stiftung. It develops a modular laser robot for minimally invasive osteotomy planned in VR and supervised in AR. The system will perform functional cuts in unseen precision for individualized, point-of-care manufactured implants made of bio-inks. Due to the boldness of this endeavor, we consider ourselves as the Mars Mission in the field of medical robotics research.
MIRACLE II is located at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel. We bring together researchers from computer science, engineering, robotics, laser physics, surgery, and other disciplines to launch bone surgery into the space age. MIRACLE stands for Minimally Invasive Robot Assisted Computer guided LaserosteotomE.
Building on the achievements of the MIRACLE I stage insinuated and led by Prof. Hans-Florian Zeilhofer and Prof. Philippe Cattin, we have now entered into our second project phase: The team around the computer scientist Prof. Dr. Philippe Cattin (CIAN), roboticist Prof. Dr. Georg Rauter (BIROMED-Lab), cranio-maxillo-facial surgeon Prof. Dr. Dr. Florian Thieringer (Swiss MAM), and laser physicist Dr. Ferda Canbaz (CIO) see to it that solutions find their way into clinical application as soon and reliable as possible.
Read on in our flyer. Or watch the latest project video.
Contact: Dr Constanze Pfeiffer (constanze.pfeiffer@clutterunibas.ch)