Dynamic Biomaterials Group
We aim to create a foundation for the rational design of responsive, nature-inspired materials that can revolutionize biomedical technologies and, eventually, regenerative medicine. For this we are focusing mechanoresponsive protein complexes, so-called ‘catch bonds’ which – contrary to traditional slip bonds – exhibit an increase in adhesive strength under high shear force rather than breaking. By transplanting this dynamic behavior beyond the cellular scale, we can use catch bond forming complexes for the creation of responsive materials, for example for the development of peristaltic hydrogel matrices for intestinal organoid (IO) cultures or impact resistant materials.
This requires a thorough understanding of single molecule behavior, how these units cooperate and how they behave in a network of similar units. A fundamental part of our work, therefore, is gaining multi-length scale insights into behaviors as a function of environmental stress (pH, salt, temperature, etc.). We use single molecule force spectroscopy, spinning disk microscopy, nano-indentation, SEM, SAXS and rheology to gain a full picture of these complex behaviors. By focusing on sustainable resource management and scientific innovation, we aim to develop biomedical materials that are both functional and environmentally responsible.
The Dynamic Biomaterials Group has been funded by a Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions Career Restart Fellowship (Zarah Walsh-Korb), an SNSF Spark Grant and a SAMCE EXCHANGE Grant for a collaboration with the ETH Zurich. We actively contribute to both undergraduate and graduate teaching in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biomedical Engineering (C38 – Nanostructural Analysis, Materials in Medicine). Our research is highly interdisciplinary and collaborative, we work closely with the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Biomedicine, the University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB), the Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Zurich, the ETH Zurich, and Dublin City University.

Dr. Zarah Walsh-Korb
Head of Dynamic Biomaterials Group
Hegenheimermattweg 167B/C
CH-4123 Allschwil