Lectures & Seminars
Before graduation PhD Students enrolled in the Program must achieve 18 ECTS including minimum 12 ECTS in the methodical and scientific domain (i.e. lectures related to Biomedical Engineering topics) and minimum 2 ECTS for Transferable Skills courses.
Methodical and Scientific Domain
Each student can create his or her own career profile according to his or her needs and interests. To do so, they can choose to follow courses offered by the DBE or by any other departments at the University of Basel.
In agreement with the supervisor, it is also possible to take external courses. Under certain conditions, the latter can be financed by our partner, the PhD Program Health Sciences.
Please note that at least one participation in the Seminar Series Latest Breakthroughs in Biomedical Engineering Research is mandatory before graduation!
Useful Links related to Methodical & Scientific Lectures
Tranferable Skills
Transferable skills cover all training courses focusing on the development of personal skills as well as technical and social skills.
PhD students enrolled in the program have access to a large number of transferable skills courses offered by the Graduate Center of the University of Basel (GRACE), but can also take part free of charge in the course offered by our partner PhD Program Health Sciences (PPHS).
For an optimal preparation for research and subsequent career steps, we recommend that students take part in Transferable Skills courses focusing on:
• Good Scientific Practice
• Scientific Writing & Publishig
• Science Communication