Summer school 2023: Good Scientific Practice - Focus Biomedical Engineering
Participants will get an overview of the rules of good scientific practice and how to deal with cases of scientific misconduct. Students are given space to reflect on values and attitudes in science and the role of scientists. Appropriate solutions for conflicts and difficult situations in the scientific process are pointed out and jointly developed using examples. The overall aim is to raise awareness of the breadth and depth of the topic in order to counteract questionable practices and scientific misconduct at an early stage.

Dates: 12.6. - 16.6. 2023
Venue: This year's DBE Summer School 2023 will be organised close to Todtnau in the southern Black Forest/Germany.
Participants: As there is only a limited number of places available, the DBE Summer School 2023 is aimed at doctoral students at the beginning or in the middle of their doctorate. Priority and full board will be given only to students from the PhD program in Biomedical Engineering. Please note that registration to the summer school commits the participant to be present for the entire duration of the stay and to participate in all courses. For more information, please contact Sara Freund
Registration: via MOnA
Credit Points: 1 ECTS.
- Helga Nolte
- Dr. Valentina Basoli
- Anna Kuhn
- Dr. Claudia Lenz
- Dr. Nicolas Gerig
- Carl Emerson
- Dr. Marcus Dantz