Winter School 2025: Scientific Writing and Publishing

Communicating scientific results is an essential part of research. Writing manuscripts and publishing them in peer-reviewed journals is therefore a key competence that all PhD students must acquire during their training.

In the form of lectures and workshops, during this winter school you will learn from experts, write a lot, share experiences with your peers, and enjoy getting together. Topics include:

  • Introduction to the journal landscape
  • Open Access publishing
  • Use of AI in the writing process
  • Understanding the review and publishing process
  • Understanding rights and responsibilities during the writing process

The Winter School 2025, will take place from Monday 27 to Friday 31 January.

It will be held atDomaine du Hirtz in Wattwiller, France, at the foot of the Vosges mountains. This eco-tourism ressort is committed to the integration of disabled people: 60% of its employees are recognized as disabled workers.

Participation in the Winter School entitles to 1 ECTS.

Please note that we reserve the right to make changes to the following program and list of speakers. The final program will be distributed to registered participants approximately one month before the start of the Winter School.


Day 1 | 27.01.2025

Day 2 | 28.01.2025

Day 3 | 29.01.2025

Day 4 | 30.01.2025

Day 5 | 31.01.2025

Travel to Wattwiller

How to write an abstract

Writing workshop for Advanced / Beginners

Writing workshop for Advanced / Beginners

Peer coaching


Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Journal landscape

Right & responsabilities during writing process

Writing workshop for Advanced / Beginners

Writing workshop for Advanced / Beginners

Initiation of writing groups & wrap up






Open access

Review & publishing process

Writing workshop for Advanced / Beginners

Social event: tba

Travel to Basel

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Use of AI in the writing process

Writing habits & technics

Writing workshop for Advanced / Beginners


Invited speakers: Prof. Anja Mündermann; Dr. Anja Matthiä; Dr. Chris Woodrow; Dr. Réka Mihálka; Prof. Bert Müller;  Renate de Bock;

Registered students will be divided into two groups dependent on the stage of academic writing in their PhD studies. During the Winter School’s Writing Workshops, one group (Advanced Group) will work on their real manuscript, while the other group (Beginners Group) will begin a manuscript or work on other writing projects such as abstracts, literature reviews, PhD proposals, memos and reflections, etc.

Joining the ‘Advanced Group’ means:

  • You are currently working on a manuscript
  • You have a clear idea of the focus of the manuscript
  • You have completed the data analysis
  • Optimally, you have prepared figures and tables

If you do not complete at least the first three points listed above you will join the 'Beginners Group'.

Please also note, that the final group assignment will take place about 1 month before the Winter School, during a mandatory preparatory meeting. The latter includes:

  • Meeting the facilitators of the Winter School’s Writing Workshops: Anne Mündermann and Anja Matthiä
  • Defining the two groups (Beginner or Advanced)
  • Setting your own goal(s) for the Winter School (What do you want to write on)
  • What you need to prepare before the Winter School starts

More detail about the preparatory meeting (date, place, format) will be communicated to registered participants in due time.


Registration is via MOnA. As soon as registration opens, the link will be added here.

The winter school is aimed at students enrolled in the PhD program in Biomedical Engineering and PPHS. Registration is free and includes transportation, course fees, accommodation in shared rooms, catering, and a social event. Please note that registration to the Winter School commits the participant to be present for the entire duration of the stay and to participate in all courses.

After registration, you must indicate the discipline of your doctoral project (Biomedical Engineering, Clinical Research, Epidemiology, etc.) and which group (see group assignment) you whish to join by contacting Sara Freund.

