3rd Price for Celine Berger’s Master Thesis


Celine Berger, currently enrolled as PhD student in the ‹Forensic Medicine & Imaging Research Group› of Claudia Lenz, has won the third price from the Medical Faculty for her Master Thesis.

Celine Berger performed her Master Thesis in the framework of the Master Program in Biomedical Engineering at DBE in the research group of Claudia Lenz. The title of the Master Thesis was ‹Post Mortem Temperature and its Effect on Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging›. The thesis addressed the influence of post mortem temperature on different MRI parameters and aimed on developing a model to correct the inherent temperature sensitivity of post mortem quantitative MRI.

Since Celine Berger graduated from the Master Program at DBE, her success is a testament to the high quality of the program.
