Optical Coherence Tomography for Smart Laserosteotome

This project develops an Optical Coherence Tomography system that provide volumetric (3D) monitoring of the laser surgery process in real time. This monitoring will help the surgeon to specifically determine the cutting depth and how the cut being made in real time. In this way, it will provide high specificity in laser cutting which can prevent cutting important and critical tissues. This system also will monitor changes in bone and/or tissue properties. To develop this system, we will need to investigate how to characterize bone and tissue during laser cutting (e.g. optical, mechanical, thermal) by using Optical Coherence Tomography. We will design and build the OCT system and integrate it into an endoscopic/fiberscopic laser surgery system. (Arsham Hamidi and Yakub Bayhaqi)


Arsham Hamidi

Christian Haas

Christian Haas


Vinamrata Bhardwaj

Arsham Hamidi, Yakub A. Bayhaqi, Ferda Canbaz, Alexander A. Navarini, Philippe C. Cattin, and Azhar Zam, "Long-range optical coherence tomography with extended depth-of-focus: a visual feedback system for smart laser osteotomy," Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 2118-2133 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.414300

Arsham Hamidi, Yakub A. Bayhaqi, Ferda Canbaz, Alexander Navarini, Philippe C. Cattin, and Azhar Zam "Imaging photothermal-induced expansion of bone during laser osteotomy by phase-sensitive OCT: preliminary results", Proc. SPIE 11359, Biomedical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Imaging, 113590K (1 April 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2555675

Y. A. Bayhaqi, G. Router, A. Navarini, P. C. Cattin, and A. Zam "Fast optical coherence tomography image enhancement using deep learning for smart laser surgery: preliminary study in bone tissue", Proc. SPIE 11207, Fourth International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, 112070Z (3 October 2019); doi: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2527293

Y. A. Bayhaqi, A. Navarini, G. Rauter, P. C. Cattin, and A. Zam "Neural network in tissue characterization of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) image for smart laser surgery: preliminary study", Proc. SPIE 11044, Third International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications (ISPhOA 2018), 1104402 (11 April 2019); doi: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2503214