Post Mortem Infrared Photography

In forensic medicine, infrared photography is invaluable in capturing details beyond the visible light spectrum. In contrast to daylight photography, infrared photography can offer superior contrast, enabling the identification of small details. Applied postmortem, this technique unveils hidden evidences like bruises, wounds or contusions that may escape the naked eye. It has successfully revealed trace elements like gunshot residues, hematomas and tattoos and also markers like Wischnewski spots on the stomach on mummified or decomposed bodies. This highlights the immerse potential of infrared photography for uncovering hidden aspects crucial in forensic investigations. Despite the capability of infrared photography to visualize subdermal details better than daylight photography, its routine use on living subjects in forensic medicine is yet to be established. Therefore, our research aims on validating its effectiveness on a broader scale with living subjects in order to apply this promising technique in forensic routine.