Synchronized Real-Time Data Recording and Analysis in Gait Training

This is an external PhD project of Roushanak Haji Hassani [DBE-link] with the Spinal Cord Injury Center, The Balgrist, University of Zurich

The aim of the PhD project is to synchronize real-time data recording and online feedback during gait training of different gait tasks such as stair climbing.

Wireless bidirectional data transfer will be in the focus of the PhD project to further expand the possibilities in gait analysis of currently wire-bound synchronized data recording to wireless synchronized data recording. Synchronized data recording, in general, prevents the investigators from cumbersome and time-intense data manipulation for data synchronization in post-processing. Moreover, the Synchronized real-time data transmission will help us to have sensor diversification, multisensory data fusion, and feedback to the patient and the physiotherapist, while training in motivating virtual reality environments.

In a second step of the PhD project, we will develop a standard protocol and procedure to assess the level of motor recovery quantitatively by measuring gait parameters during gait training. The quantification will help understanding when the patient is ready to step to the next level of challenges in gait training. Furthermore, we will be able to evaluate the efficiency of treatment, compare different treatment protocols and evaluate the process of recovery of the patient.

Finally, we suppose to develop automatic patient progress evaluator with machine learning algorithms to improve clinical decision making and increase the reliability of taken decision with a physiotherapist.

Roushanak Haji Hassani

Roushanak Haji Hassani

Dr. PD Marc Bolliger

Dr. PD Marc Bolliger

Prof. Dr. Georg Rauter

Prof. Dr. Georg Rauter

Prof. Dr. med. Armin Curt

Prof. Dr. med. Armin Curt

Prof. Dr. Reinald G.H. Brunner

Prof. Dr. Reinald G.H. Brunner