‹The Surgeon’s Eye› and ‹The 4th Dimension of Surgery Planning› are ‹Going Live›!

Together with their MIRACLE-groups, Philippe Cattin and Georg Rauter are taking part in a presentation at the Smart City Lab Basel organized by the City of Basel. The event starts on 15 and ends on 23 March 2021. It is supposed to be a test run for a similar presentation in the House of Switzerland at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
The presentation features a dozen showcases illustrating how innovations developed in Basel can improve the lives of patients, medical experts, doctors and students as well as top athletes and consumers. The showcases present innovations from the fields of automation and robotics, personalized health, virtual and augmented reality, sensors for medical, health and sports applications and innovative products as well as the Basel innovation ecosystem.
The city’s project website: https://innovationbasel.com/partners-and-showcases/
Our project page: https://dbe.unibas.ch/en/about-us/maison-de-linnovation/
The press release: https://www.medien.bs.ch/nm/2021-innovationsstandort-basel-lanciert-marketing-praesenz-pd.html
The Smart City Lab Basel: https://smartcitylabbasel.ch/en/