Impressions from the 9th DBE Research Day
The 9th DBE Research Day is well on its way to becoming the translational event we designed it to be. The Translational Tandems, in which clinicians and researchers present joint projects in a science-slam style, again have been a huge success. It’s just hard to dose away when your colleague jumps around on stage in a rabbit costume. Or your leading maxillofacial surgeon fixes a star-shaped implant with duct tape on a "patients" head. Please see for yourself in the picture below. After these unclassical presentations, the program returned to serious and equally fascinating talks of other groups.
In the end, the awards were given to the best paper and best posters. See the Awards Section.

Philippe Cattin

Carol Hasler (UKBB)

Translational Tandems

Catching some caffeine

What the...

Back to serious

Closing Remarks