Selected Publications

[05]      I. Ali, Z. Walsh-Korb, T. Hussain, M.A. Nash, A. Waqas, I. Ul Ahad. (2024) "Nano-newton scale hydrodynamic force measurement through CFD modeling of spinning disc", In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Key Enabling Technologies (KEYTECH 2024). ­­­­

[04]      M. Heiniger, R. Vanella,* Z.Walsh-Korb,* M.A. Nash. (2024) "Functionalized polysaccharides improve sensitivity of single cell tyramide proximity labeling assay through charge interactions" ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 10(9), 5869-5880.; pre-print available on ChemRXiv

[03]      Z.Walsh-Korb.* (2024) "Rationally designing dynamic protein cross-linked hydrogels across length scales", In: Proceedings Volume 12944, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication XIV; 129440C.

[02]      J. Oñate Narciso, Z.Walsh-Korb.* (2023) "Teaching cross-disciplinarity in the natural sciences – a case for Natural Philosophy", ETH Teaching and Learning Journal, 4(1), 79-88.

[01]      J.L. Muff, F. Sokolovski, Z. Walsh-Korb, R.A. Choudhury, J.C.Y. Dunn, S.G. Holland-Cunz, R.N. Vuille-dit-Bille. (2022) "Surgical treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome - The past, the present and the future, a descriptive review of the literature", Children, 9(7), 1024.

A full list of publications can be found here