BMC Classes at ETH Zurich


Physics in Medical Research: From Humans to Cells

Lecture FS 2025
Fri 14-16 (start 13:45) plus tutorial 16-17 (individual work with supervision)
ETH Zurich, HCI H8.1

ETH Zurich moodle link

Video link


February 21Physics in Medical Research: From humans to cells - introduction and overview
February 28Computed tomography in clinics and related research
March 07Conventional microtomography for tissue and implant characterization
March 14Synchrotron radiation-based tomography: Imaging of organs, tissues, cells and subcellular structures
March 21Comparing microtomography in absorption- and phase-contrast modes
March 28Laboratory-based tomography of unique objects
April 04Physical approaches in medicine and medical imaging
April 11Quantitative evaluation of medically relevant, three-dimensional data
May 02From open surgery to non-invasive interventions – role of medical imaging
May 09Shape memory alloy-based medical implants
May 16Artificial muscles for treating severe urinary and fecal incontinence
May 23Treatment strategies for neurodegenerative diseases
May 30Applying physics in medicine: Benefitting patients


Previous Classes at ETH Zurich