Clinical Biomechanics in Paediatric Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Modelling
Our main research focus is to understand the biomechanical function in normal and pathological human motion, especially gait.
Computerized movement analysis is used as a tool to mediate a better fundamental understanding of human locomotion to physicians, physiotherapists, biomechanists, and scientists.
The research activities involve the translation between parameters of 3-D motion analysis as biomarkers, neuromusculoskeletal, and microscopic physio-pathological modeling, and patient centered outcome analysis with reference to the 'International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health' (ICF). Personal and environmental factors of daily living through 'Patient-reported Outcome Measures' (PROM) are integrated.
Using a multifactorial, multimodal evaluation of neuro-orthopedic patients and patients with movement disorders, biomechanical and digital tools including 'Virtual Reality' are applied and further developed for evidence-based personalized research from childhood to adulthood.
- The group is part of the Clinical Biomechanics and Ergonomics Engineering (CADENCE) laboratory
- Our modern clinical movement analysis laboratory at the UKBB is equipped with a motion capture system (Vicon, 18 cameras), four force plates (Kistler) and a plate measuring foot pressure (Novel) in line, 16 channel surface electromyography system (Noraxon), and 2 high speed video cameras (Basler). With this equipment we measure the required biomechanical parameters needed to answer scientific questions.
- We calculate three dimensional parameters such as joint angles (kinematics), joint moments and powers (kinetics), temporo-spatial parameters, center of mass, center of pressure, and muscle activation patterns. To do so, we use software programs such as MATLAB.
- We also use specialized modelling software (AnyBody and OpenSim) to simulate a variety of parameters by inverse dynamics. Parameters such as stress, strain and deformations are calculated by finite element analysis with the ANSYS software. A special foot model is applied for foot deformities. The new software is implemented in daily clinical work.
- Furthermore, our research focuses on clinical outcome of treatment in the field of pediatric neuro-orthopaedics, pediatric orthopaedics and general orthopaedics. This includes determination of a deformity for gait and its correction by orthotic or surgical treatment as well as the evaluation of particular surgical or orthotic techniques in a certain patient population (such as cerebral palsy) and problems independent of gait (such as hip dislocation or scoliosis).

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sci Heide Elke Viehweger
Co-Head of Clinical Biomechanics: Paediatric Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Modeling
Deputy Head of Orthopaedics (UKBB), Head of Neuroorthopaedics and Gait Laboratory (UKBB), Clinical Professor Neuoorthopaedics
Department of Orthopedics
University Children’s Hospital Both Basel (UKBB)
Spitalstrasse 33
CH-4031 Basel
Phone: +41 (0)61 704 18 02