Scientific & Clinical Advisory Board
The governing body of the Swiss MAM Research Group at the Department of Biomedical Engineering (DBE) of the University of Basel, including the 3D Printing Core Facility (UNIBAS), the 3D Print Lab at the University Hospital Basel (3DPL USB), and the 3D Print Lab at the Cantonal Hospital Baselland (3DPL KSBL) appoints the Scientific & Clinical Advisory Board.
The Scientific & Clinical Advisory Board helps to define the general direction of applied research, but also the clinical-scientific direction with close research on clinical care at the University Hospital Basel and its partnership clinics. This maximizes the relevance of the Swiss MAM research group and the benefit of our R&D activities to the clinic and industry of today and tomorrow. The Advisory Board is composed of international visionaries and experts from the clinic, industry and academia. This assembly ensures a productive balance between clinical patient-centered, market-driven, economic goals and the relative freedom of the academic environment.

Empa (Switzerland)

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Switzerland)