

MIRACLE II to Represent Swiss Innovation at EXPO 2025 in Osaka

The MIRACLE II Project, funded by the Werner Siemens Stiftung, has been invited to take part in the exhibition “Life” at the Swiss Pavilion of the EXPO 2025 in Osaka, Japan, from 11 June to 12 August 2025. 

DBE Core Facilities Front and Center in the SIP Innovation Lounge

The DBE has the pleasure and honor of contributing exhibits for the Innovation Lounge of the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area.

2.5 Million for Transatlantic Capacity Building in Orthopedic Sports Medicine

The Claudine and Hans-Heiner Zaeslin-Bustany Foundation supports transatlantic capacity building in orthopedic sports medicine between the DBE/USB and Duke University’s School of Medicine as well as between DBE/USB and University of…

Dr. Ferda Canbaz on Turkish News Channel tv100

Head of the Center for Intelligent Optics (CIO) Dr. Ferda Canbaz was interviewed by Esra Öz for the Istanbul based channel tv100. In the feature with the title "A new era in knee surgery will begin", Canbaz introduces the MIRACLE II System…

RetinAward for Dr. Philippe Valmaggia

Dr. phil. Dr. med. Philippe Valmaggia, researcher at the Center for Medical Image Analysis & Navigation (CIAN) has won the 20’000 SFR RetinAward 2024 for his project «Cardiovascular health assessment with electrocardiogram-coupled…

Prof. Viktor Kölzer and Team Win the NWO Team Science Award

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded the €50,000 Team Science Award to a team of researchers from Switzerland and the Netherlands, including the Department of Biomedical Engineering and University of Basel's Pathology Department.

Prof. Bert Müller re-elected as Member of SNSF Research Council

On 5 December, Prof. Dr. Bert Müller has been elected as member of the new Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation. He will continue his role from 1 April 2025 to 30 April 2027.

Prof. Philippe Cattin’s Research in the DKForum

The last 2024 edition of the DKForum saw Philippe Cattin’s research on AI-assisted image analysis in neuroradiology front and center.

National Future Day 2024@DBE

On the occasion of the National Future Day 2024, 23 curious children between 11 to 13 years came to us on 14 November to take a deep dive into the world of biomedical engineering and learn more about DBE research.

Swiss Robotics Day 2024 Bigger than Ever

After 1000 registrations, the organizers of the Swiss Robotics Day 2024 in Basel had to stop the registration process. Prof. Dr. Georg Rauter from the DBE and Prof. Dr. Aude Billard (EPFL) co-organized the 15th edition of the Swiss Robotics…

Global Impact of Julia Wolleb’s Paper on Diffusion Models for Medical Anomaly Detection

Two years after its publication at the MICCAI 2022 conference in Singapore, Dr Julia Wolleb’s Paper ‹Diffusion Models for Medical Anomaly Detection› has become one of the most influential papers in the field of Medical Image Analysis.

Rauter (new) Member of Executive Board, Sinues (again) Head of Teaching Commission

On the DBE Assembly on 22 October 2024, Prof. Dr. Georg Rauter was elected as new member of the DBE Executive Board. He follows Eva Scheurer who left due to her new role as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Dr. Pablo Sinues was…

Making AI Fit for Ethnic Diversity in Dermatology

Prof. Alexander Navarini and Philippe Gottfrois, PhD student in Navarini’s research group "Digital Dermatology" at the DBE, are training algorithms for the diagnosis of skin diseases in Africa. Collaborating with researchers in Madagascar,…

More Students Than Ever – and More Mobility!

For the first time, our Master Program has more than 100 students, 106, to be precise, which are currently enrolled. This growing number shows that bright young people have a clear sense of the potential of biomedical engineering for their…

Ferda Canbaz Elected Member of SSBE Board

Dr Ferda Canbaz is a new board member of the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering. The visionary SSBE was already founded in 1970 (!) and is now one of the main motors of biomedical engineering at Swiss universities and companies. It…

Florian Thieringer on How 3D Printing Revolutionizes Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery

Of all the key technologies, 3D printing is currently among those that are developing the fastest. One of the drivers of innovation is craniomaxillofacial surgery, which is either creating new solutions itself or adapting others for its…

Pablo Sinues Re-Elected as Innosuisse Expert

In the Innosuisse Board meeting held on 3 September, Prof. Dr. Pablo Sinues was re-elected as member of the Innosuisse Expert Board for another term until the end of 2025.

Register Now: Swiss Robotics Day on 1 November in Basel!

This year, the most important Swiss event on robotics will take place in Basel – co-organized by Georg Rauter and Nicolas Gerig from BIROMED-Lab. Register now for a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in medical and…

SNSF Grant for Sangeux and Viehweger

Morgan Sangeux of Elke Viehweger’s group Clinical Biomechanics in Paediatric Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Modelling has raised around 650'000 SFR from Swiss National Science Foundation for his four year project "Identifying the Causes…

A Next Generation of Biomedical Engineers

On 16 September, the fall semester of the Joint Master Program in Biomedical Engineering has started. Around 50 new students were shown around the labs, got some initial information and met their new colleagues at our Welcome and Info…