Biomaterials Science Center

Thomas Straumann and further third parties, in particular the Swiss National Science Foundation, have financed the Biomaterials Science Center (BMC). Founded in March 2007, the BMC has tackled major medical challenges, including cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases, cancer, incontinence and caries.

To this end, an international, multidisciplinary team of physicists, chemists, engineers and medical experts exploit physical principles within a worldwide network of collaborators.

Specific research topics are nanotechnology-based artificial muscles, computational regenerative medicine to evaluate the micro-anatomy of tissues in health and disease, imaging the human tissue down to the individual molecules using hard X-rays, materials and technologies in dentistry, the interface of manmade materials and the biosystem and smart metallic, ceramic and polymer biomaterials with a focus on nanoscience and nanotechnology.

BMC is host of the2023 Annual Meeting of Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering on 13 September 2023The one-day event inspired exchange between experts from academia, industry, and clinics. The morning sessions will focus on medical imaging and image analysis and include a keynote presentation. Topics of general interest to the SSBE community will be selected from the submitted abstracts for oral presentation after lunch. During lunch time and coffee breaks we will meet for the poster sessions, where latest results can be discussed. Best posters will be awarded. Scientific discussions will informally be continued in Allschwil’s brewery with fresh lemonade and beer together with pretzels and pizza. 


Prof Dr Bert Müller
Director of Biomaterials Science Center
Hegenheimermattweg 167B
4123 Allschwil