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Our Contact Details

Core Facility 3D-Print
University Basel
Department of Biomedical Engeeering
Hegenheimermattweg 167 C
4321 Allschwil
Tel. : +41 61 207 54 87
Need to send Data?
If u already have 3D Data u can simply use one of those Free services to send them to us.
Of course u can also come to our corefacility in person and bring data on a USB Stick.
Please keep in Mind:
We can´t recieve any Data with more than 20 MB via E-Mail messages.
Use these Services instead
Data Transfer Services
Looking for Medical 3d Prints?
Our 3D Lab at the Universitätsspital Basel is able to manufacture certified medical 3D prints and offer solutions like virtual surgical planning, implant manufacturing, and other related services.
Direct contact to our specialists

Andreas Roser
Additive Manufacturing Specialist
Hegenheimermattweg 167 C
4321 Allschwil
We are Part of the Swiss Medical Additive Manufacturing Network

The Medical Additive Manufacturing research group (Swiss MAM) is located at the Department of Biomedical Engineering (DBE) of the University of Basel. We develop innovative solutions in the area of Computer Assisted Surgery, Virtual Surgical Planning and Medical Additive Manufacturing (Medical 3D Printing). Together with our regional, national and international partners we take the future to the clinic.

Head of Swiss MAM
Prof. Dr. Dr. Florian M. Thieringer, MHBA
Hegenheimermattweg 167C
4123 Allschwil

Co-Head of Swiss MAM
PD Dr. med. Philipp Honigmann
Hegenheimermattweg 167C
4123 Allschwil

Dr. Neha Sharma, PhD
Deputy Head of Swiss MAM
Hegenheimermattweg 167C
4123 Allschwil, Switzerland