Kontrollierte Raumorientierung von chirurgischen Instrumenten im OP-Feld

Present day oral implantation surgery rely mostly on drilling templates and on navigation systems. Both methods require substantial overhead with regards to pre-operative preparation. The overhead might be substantially reduced by reducing the provided information for the oral surgeon to the minimum but essential orientation of the drill bit axis with respect to the anatomy of interest. The experienced oral surgeon recognizes very well from anatomical landmarks the start position of the hole to be drilled and its depth. A proof of principle shall demonstrate that the drill axis orientation is sufficiently precisely characterized by inertial sensors (IMU) that are attached to the dentists drill. There are two different approaches for relating the anatomy to the drill bit axis. The first one is based on drill sleeves that are attached to the anatomy in a known way (I.e. some teeth). The drill sleeve translate the anatomy to the drill axis orientation. A drill sleeve may be recycled for other implantation surgeries, in contrast to the well-known single use drilling template. The second approach uses the anatomy directly (i.e. the fissures of the teeth) by touching the known teeth positions with the tip of the drill bit. The information of the positions are converted to the drill axis orientation.