News and Events
Februar 2025: Exhibition Launch at the SIP Innovation Lounge

The DBE has the pleasure and honor of contributing exhibits for the Innovation Lounge of the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area. The launch of the new exhibition was held on 18 February 2025 with 100 registered guests, highlighting the advanced services of the DBE offered to academic and industry partners by four Core Facilities. A welcome address by Carine Moya and a speech by Prof. Philippe Cattin, head of the DBE. Here are some pictures of the event, taken by Carl-Victor Krüger of the awesome Digital Content Team of the University Hospital Basel. Thanks to Carine Moya and Karin Crisanto for priceless support.
January 2025: Success at the 7th SSB+RM Young Researcher Symposium!

We’re excited to share that our PhD students, Esma Bahar Tankus and Till Strunk, represented our Swiss MAM Research Group with outstanding achievements at the 7th SSB+RM Young Researcher Symposium at ETH Zurich on January 17th! Esma Bahar Tankus won the Best Oral Presentation Award! Till Strunk won the Best Poster Award! Huge congratulations to Esma Bahar Tankus and Till Strunk for their success and for making us proud at this inspiring event!
December 2024: Precision and efficiency are key!

We are excited to share our latest research on a fully digital workflow for fronto-orbital advancement (FOA) surgery! This innovative approach combines robot-guided laser osteotomy with 3D-printed patient-specific implants (PSIs), delivering precision and efficiency in craniosynostosis surgery.
Congratulations to our authors Michaela Maintz and Nora Desan on their work!
October 2024: Wenn der Avatar in Aktion tritt

Virtuelle und reale Welt wachsen zusammen. "Eines Tages wird kaum mehr zu unterscheiden sein, ob wir am digitalen Klon oder am echten Menschen operieren“, prognostizierte Professir Jacques Marescaux beim 16. Innovation Forum Medizintechnik: Rund 500 Teilnehmer erhielten in Tuttlingen Eindrücke von Fortschritten im OP-Saal...
Sept 2024: 3D printing and virtual planning transforming surgical outcomes

As Chairman of Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery at University Hospital, Basel, Professor Florian Thieringer has integrated technology seamlessly into clinical practice. So much so, that he says his residents use digital tools as naturally as they do pen and paper. For oral and CMF surgeons, these are not just the latest gadgets but essential tools in delivering precision, saving time intraoperatively, and delivering minimally invasive approaches.
Maxillofacial surgery at the University Hospital Basel (USB) and its Swiss MAM Research Group at the Department of Biomedical Engineering | University of Basel celebrated on 21.08.24 at the Biozentrum, University of Basel. In addition to the presentation of innovative research projects, there was also a lively interdisciplinary exchange. Special congratulations go to our winners in the categories “Best Poster” and “Best Master Thesis”. We are proud of our team members and their outstanding achievements!
June 2024: The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMF) under Prof. Dr mult. Thieringer wins two research grants over CHF 885,000

Over the next three years, PD. Dr Dr Lukas Seifert and Dr Benito Benitez will be able to work together thanks to the support of the Geistlich Stucki Foundation under the direction of Prof. Dr mult. Thieringer and Prof. Dr mult. Andreas Müller to devote themselves to their MKG research projects. PD Dr Dr Lukas Seifert's field of activity will primarily focus on the clinical applicability of 3D-printed poly-capro-lactone (PCL) meshes for the reconstruction of bone defects in comparison to alloplastic titanium meshes. While Dr Benito Benitez has set himself the task of developing bone regeneration in children with cleft lip and palate.
In this video, the interdisciplinary collaboration between the oral and maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, radiology at the University Hospital Basel and the Department of Biomedical Engineering is highlighted with regard to the operating theater of the future. What does AI have to do with patient-specific implants from the 3D printer and how can new technologies already provide significant added value in teaching today? The video provides the close link between man and machine, research and everyday medical practice in an impressive way.
We're thrilled to announce the latest addition to our innovation hub! We're unveiling the installation and delivery of a brand new high-end 3D printer by Arburg at our facilities. The Swiss MAM Research Group at the Department of Biomedical Engineering | University of Basel and the 3D Print Lab at the Universitätsspital Basel (USB) are harnessing medical 3D printing technologies to enhance treatment of complex surgeries.
April 2024: Implants made of 3D printed bioresorbable polymers

We are excited to share our latest article, "Patient-specific implants made of 3D printed bioresorbable polymers at the point-of-care: material, technology, and scope of surgical application" published @BMC 3D Printing in Medicine.
This paper uncovers a game-changing alternative to conventional implants, focusing on patient-specific solutions directly at the point-of-care.
November 2023: Prof. Florian Thieringer's Research all Over the News

On November 17, Schweizerische Ärztezeitung has published an article on medical 3D printing, focusing on the work of Florian Thieringer at the DBE and at the University Hospital. The "Interview" Magazine of the Ringier Group has published an interview with Thieringer, Radio Seefunk has an article on their website, medinside reports on the PEEK success covered here in the news on 15 September, and, without specifying the research group, the biannual publication "Mit allen Sinnen" of Handelskammer beider Basel, also reports on the PEEK success.
July 2023: Project wins the advanced research grant from Osteology Foundation

We are delighted to share the wonderful news that Neha Sharma and Florian Thieringer for the Swiss Medical Additive Manufacturing (SwissMAM) research group, together with their collaborative partner Nadja Rohr from the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel – UZB, have achieved a remarkable feat. Their project, entitled "Establishing Additive Manufacturing of Next-Generation Bio-Resorbable Composite Mesh for Guided Bone Regeneration," has been selected to receive the advanced research grant from the Osteology Foundation!
Using the power of 3D printing and advanced materials, this project aims to create custom-made bone structures that support the growth of new bone cells, aiding the body's natural healing process. This technology revolutionizes bone regeneration by providing efficient and precise solutions and also opens up a world of possibilities for patients.
February 2022: Menschliche Ersatzteile aus dem 3D Drucker

Artikel in der Fachzeitschrift "Quintessenz Zahntechnik"
Durch additive Fertigungen sind längst nicht mehr nur dentale Rekonstruktionen möglich sondern auch die Herstellung von Implantaten für Rekonstruktionen von Knochendefekten. PD Dr. Florian Thieringer und Dr. Neha Sharma bieten einen spannenden Einblick in die Forschung und deren klinischen Anwendung.
January 2022: 3D printing in medicine – High-tech at your fingertips
"3D printing technologies allow us to create complex geometries using high-performance materials and open up exciting possibilities in the field of surgery". Private lecturer Florian M. Thieringer, oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgeon, founded the 3D Print Lab at the University Hospital Basel almost 6 years ago together with radiologist Dr. Philipp Brantner, MD and talked about the fascinating technology of 3D printing.
December 2021: AM Medical Days Berlin
“3D Printing in Medical - Providing better Patient outcomes”
The AM Medical Days were co-founded by the University Hospital of Basel and are an excellent platform for all topics around Medical Additive Manufacturing! They took place in Berlin in November 2021 and many interesting speeches of Physicians, CEO's and more were held. For example, PD Dr. mult. Florian Thieringer talked about point-of-care manufacturing and it's clinical application.
Click here to learn more about the AM Medical Days
December 2021: 3D Druck statt Chemiefabrik

The City of Basel hosts a life science research cluster and experiences the emergence of decentralized and digitalized urban production hubs. Digital technologies like robotics and 3D printing enable a production of local, customized and high-quality products – as close as possible to the end-users. The University Hospital of Basel with its in-house 3D Print Lab is at the forefront of this development, using digital production technologies to improve the service for its patients.
November 2021: KVP-Prize «Sustainability»

The 3D Print Lab at the University Hospital of Basel has won the 2021 KVP-Prize in the Category of «Sustainability»
We won the sustainability prize of the University Hospital Basel because we recycle our discarded prototypes and test prints, we use biodegradable printing materials and work with durable quality products. We thus reduce, reuse and recycle.
Watch our video and visit our website to learn more about our commitment to sustainability!
October 2021: Looking ahead... a glimpse into the future of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
The official magazine "Face to Face" of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS) recently published an article focusing on disruptive technologies in the field. In this report, Swiss MAM Director Florian Thieringer shares how relatively "old technologies" such as 3D printing or patient-specific implants and other technologies are proving to be innovations through further development and firm integration into clinical treatment processes. He also reports on the MIRACLE project at Unibas' Department of Biomedical Engineering, where some "medical miracles" may come true in the future ...
You can read the article here!
October 2021: Point-of-Care Additive Manufacturing: Jetzt erst recht!
Video Vortrag von Daniel Seiler über medizinische additive Fertigungen
Medizinische Additive Fertigung direkt im Spital (Point-of-Care) bringt die individuelle Therapie effizient zum Patienten und bietet zahlreiche neue Perspektiven für den digitalen Behandlungsprozess. Daniel Seiler, Lab Leader Medical Additive Manufacturing an der FHNW erzählt in seinem Vortrag mehr über dieses Thema.
Schauen Sie hier das Video an!
September 2021: 3D Printing Industry Award 2021
We are nominated for the 3D Printing Industry Award 2021!
Out of 70 000 nominations, Swiss MAM made it on the shortlist for the 2021 3D Printing Industry Award in the category "3D Printing for a better world"! We are honored that the 3D Printing Industry readers nominated us for this award. The winners are decided by voting and the event takes place online on October 21st, 2021.
Voting closes on 20th October, so be fast and please vote for us here!
September 2021: Knochen aus dem 3D Druck und Roboter im OP
"Mehr Wissen" - Über 3D Druck und OP-Roboter mit PD Dr. mult. Florian Thieringer
Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Mehr Wissen" vom Universitätsspital Basel hielt PD Dr. mult. Florian M. Thieringer einen Vortrag über ein Thema aus dem Bereich der Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, welches auch ein interdisziplinäres und innovatives Thema darstellt: 3D Druck im Operationssaal.
Schauen Sie sich hier das Video an!
August 2021: "Chirurgie-Influencer" Dr. mult. Florian M. Thieringer im Interview mit dem Universitätsspital Basel
«Ich bin im echten und im virtuellen Leben sehr gut vernetzt.»
Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurge PD Dr. mult. Florian M. Thieringer ist einer der Wegbereiter des 3D Print Lab am Unispital. Regelmässig verfolgen tausende Interessierte weltweit seine spannenden Posts auf LinkedIn und Facebook über die neusten Errungenschaften im Bereich 3D-Druck, computerassistierter Chirurgie sowie patientenorientierter Medizin.
Lesen Sie den Text vom Universitätsspital Basel über PD Dr. mult. Florian M. Thieringer und seinen weitgreifenden Einfluss dank Social Media hier!
August 2021: Clinical Reliability of FFF Printed PEEK Implants Quantified

Featured on
Our work on clinical reliability of FFF printed PEEK Implants quantified was featured on They refer to our paper on “Quantitative Assessment of Point-of-Care 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Cranial Implants.”
Click here to read the paper!
August 2021: Unique porous 3D printed implants designed to treat eye socket fractures
Featured on
Our work on unique porous 3D printed implants designed to treat eye socket fractures was featured on They refer to our paper on “A multi-criteria assessment strategy for 3D printed porous Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) patient-specific implants for orbital wall reconstruction.”
Click here to read the paper!
June 2021: Best Poster Award at MESROB 2021
Congratulations to Michaela Maintz
for winning the Best Poster Award at MESROB 2021 for her poster "Computational Modeling for Pre-Operative Guidance of Mandibular Fracture Osteosynthesis" !
Have a closer look at her poster here !
June 2021: 3D Printing at the point of care: Virtual lab tour video
Virtual lab visit at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Unviersity Hospital Basel
Are you interested in medical innovations? Then please join us on this short video tour through the 3D Print Lab at the University Hospital of Basel (USB) and the Department of Biomedical Engineering (DBE). Get to know the head of the 3D Print Lab, PD Dr. mult. Florian Thieringer and other members of the Swiss MAM Research Group. Join us to see how patient-specific high-tech implants can be produced directly near the operating room (and much more) ...
May 2021: A small revolution in Biomedical Engineering

Body parts from the 3D printer
The latest EMH-Special Radiology has featured our activities and achievements at the 3D Print Lab of the University Hospital of Basel (USB). Body parts from the 3D printer serve as templates for surgeons, who use the 3D models to perfectly prepare for surgical interventions. Patient-specific implants can be 3D printed, too, reconstructing body parts with high precision.
Click here to read more about this topic!
April 2021: Get a tour of the 3D Print Lab!
Printing the future with Florian Thieringer
AO TV's Laura Leivo met with PD Dr.mult. Florian M. Thieringer to hear about the latest developments in his teams` work on medical 3D printing and get a tour of his lab at the University Hospital Basel.
Click here to watch the video!
January 2021: 3D Printing - The surgeons' new favorite tool?

3D Printing - A medical innovation
Additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing was invented more than three decades ago and became established primarily in industry. In medicine, though, this technology has only been picking up speed for a few years.
3D Printings great impact on the Quality of Care and other interesting inputs are summarized in a LinkedIn article from PD Dr. mult. Florian M. Thieringer on LinkedIn.
Have a closer look at this interesting LinkedIn article here!
December 2020: Printing the human body
From 3D models of the human skull to 3D-printed patient specific implants
"GF Results Today" The customer magazine of GF Machining Solutions reports on the Basler 3D Print Lab.
Click here to read the section about the 3D PrintLab on page 18-21!
September 2020: Transactions on Additive Manufacturing meets Medicine

Dimensional characteristics of FDM 3D printed PEEK implant for craniofacial reconstructions
Additive manufacturing (AM) or three-dimensional (3D) printing is rapidly gaining acceptance in craniomaxillofacial surgeries. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) patient-specific implants (PSIs) have been used, mainly in reconstructive surgeries, as a reliable alternative to other alloplastic biomaterials.
Click here to learn more about this interesting topic in the journal of Neha Sharma, Philipp Honigmann, Shuaishuai Cao and Florian Thieringer!
July 2020: Milestone for project MIRACLE
"Bones cut with laser heal better".
Radio SRF interviewed Philipp Cattin, Head of the project MIRACLE and talked about the project receiving another 12 million Swiss francs to develop mini-robots for surgery.
Listen to the interview about this milestone for the Minimally Invasive Robot-Assisted Computer-guided LaserosteotomE project (MIRACLE) here.
July 2019: Bessere Operationsvorbereitung dank 3D-Druck-Labor
Ein weiterer Schritt im Bereich der personalisierten Medizin
Bei Herzmissbildungen, Frakturen, Fehlstellungen, Tumor- und Gefässerkrankungen können dreidimensionale Kunststoffmodelle in Originalgrösse aus dem 3D-Drucker den behandelnden Ärztinnen und Ärzten einen beachtlichen Mehrwert bieten – sowohl im Bereich der Visualisierung als auch der Therapie. Das Universitätsspital Basel bietet seinen Mitarbeitenden diese Dienstleistung deshalb seit 2016 über ein hauseigenes 3D-Druck-Labor an.
Lesen Sie den Bericht der Schweizerischen Ärztezeitung hier (PDF)
July 2019: 3D Print Lab - a matter of course

3D printing is becoming commonplace in everyday clinical practice
In its portrait of the Basel 3D Print Lab, the trade journal "Ingenieur" interviews PD Dr. mult. Florian Thieringer, co-director of the lab and cadre physician for oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University Hospital Basel, and asks about the use of prints in everyday life and also about the advantages of in-house labs and future job profiles.
January 2017: 3D Printing - The Future takes shape

Will we all soon be able to print things in 3D at home?
The Coop newspaper reported about the promising potential of 3D printing and the possibility of being able to 3D print at home in the near future. Areas such as industry and medicine are already benefiting from this technology. Who knows what will be possible in the next few years...?