All Research Groups

Berger David, Prof. Dr.Cardiopulmonary Physiology and Mechanical Support
Bieri Oliver, Prof. Dr.Magnetic Resonance Physics and Methodology
Braissant Olivier, Dr.Biological Calorimetry
Canbaz Ferda, Dr.Center for Intelligent Optics
Cattin Philippe, Prof. Dr.Center for medical Image Analysis & Navigation
Delgado-Eckert Edgar Dr.Computational Physiology & Biostatistics
Granziera Cristina, Prof. Dr.Translational Imaging in Neurology
Guzman Raphael, Prof. Dr.Neurosurgery
Hasler Carol-Claudius, Prof. Dr.Computational Spine Biomechanics
Lenz Claudia, Dr.Forensic Medicine & Imaging Research Group
Madduri Srinivas, PD Dr.Center for Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine
Mahfoud Felix, Prof. Dr.Translational Interventional Cardiology
Martin Ivan, Prof. Dr.Technologies for Tissue Engineering
Merkle Elmar, Prof. Dr.Medical Imaging Research Group
Müller Andreas, PD Dr.Facial and Cranial Anomalies
Müller, Beat, Prof. Dr.Digital Surgery Lab
Müller Bert, Prof. Dr.Biomaterials Science Center
Mündermann Annegret, Prof. Dr.Functional Biomechanics
Navarini Alexander, Prof. Dr.Digital Dermatology
Netzer Cordula, PD Dr.Translational Spine Research & Biomechanics
Psychogios Marios Prof. Dr.Neuroradiology Research Group
Rauter Georg, Prof. Dr.Bio-Inspired Robots for Medicine-Lab
Santini Francesco, Dr.Basel Muscle MRI
Schären Stefan, Prof. Dr.Spine Surgery & Research
Scherberich Arnaud, Prof. Dr.Vascularized Bone Biofabrication
Scheurer Eva, Prof. Dr.Institute of Forensic Medicine
Schulz Georg, Dr.Micro- and Nanotomography
Schulz Iris, Dr.Forensic Genetics
Sinues Pablo, Prof. Dr.Translational Medicine Breath Research
Stieger Christof, Prof. Dr. Acoustic and Vestibular Research Group
Suter Ben, Dr.Bilateral Neurocircuitry Lab
Thieringer Florian M., Prof. Dr. Dr.Core Facility 3D Printing
Thieringer Florian M., Prof. Dr. Dr.Medical Additive Manufacturing (Swiss MAM)
Verna Carlalberta, Prof. Dr.Orthodontic Research Group
Viehweger Heide Elke, Prof. Dr. Dr.Clinical Biomechanics in Paediatric Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Modeling